Faces of Thunder Rock #2...Fathers
Meet R.J. and Courtney--from Cajun country... Louisiana. We were blessed to meet this duo as they were passing through, headed to Ohio for a wedding. Father (RJ) and son, (Courtney) were making memories by spending time together camping. Courtney took some time off work, bought a used camper and truck, and they headed out for some adventure!!! Being in his 70's didn't slow RJ down one bit! They went rafting down the river and listening to him tell the story of how getting dumped at the last rapid even made it more fun, made my heart smile. But the gift I cherished the entire time of the visit--the memories they were making. They both put the brakes on their ordinary lives, their "to-do" lists, and work (Courtney is a nurse), and spent time together. Unscheduled time, time to listen and hear each other, time to enjoy nature and reflect on life. I am pretty sure it was time well spent. Cherish the time you have with the people around you. Take the time to no...