Warrior Training Explanation

This post is to help explain how we "do school" at our home. I attended a short homeschool moms' retreat this weekend and some were wanting to know more. For the most part, we call school "Warrior Training." When we started this, we discussed character traits of warriors (determination, endurance, strength, responsibility, self discipline, leaders, perseverance, etc). Of course, Jesus is our prime example of a true "Warrior." We often refer to these traits as we are "in training." For example, if someone tries to skip over difficult words instead of trying to read them correctly I might remind him of how sometimes doing little things that seem pointless lead to great results. For example: taking a very long time to sharpen an arrow will lead the hunter to make a quicker kill. Taking a few more seconds to say the word correctly will help you read better in the future. For each "warrior" their weekly mission is given to them usin...