The Night I Lost My Husband...Summer Travels #3

We are home from our summer adventures. We are grateful to have a place to come home to, but our spirits were a little sad on Monday when we knew the road was leading home. From the last week of May we have only been home 11 days. This last part of our trip lasted 19 days and definitely held some adventure for us. Instead of doing one long post I am going to do several over the next couple of weeks. I start here for a reason. I will NEVER forget it. While in TN a few people mentioned that we should go over to Virginia and bike the Virginia Creeper Trail. We had never heard of it before. It is a rails to trails bike trail. They explained where we needed to go and could have a 17 mile scenic ride downhill. So, we did what we do. We headed that way on day 9 our adventure. It all starts here. You see my husband craves adventure. He never does anything halfway. I have often considered creating some criteria to be included in the new DSM version to address the disorder. It would inc...