I Long for the Day...Random Thoughts from My Brain

I long for a day in which wrong is called wrong and not excused. I long for a day in which kids are not manipulated/controlled using stupid plastic trinkets, stickers, or coupons but are empowered by their God given strengths and through His unconditional love. IF YOU USE TANGIBLE REINFORCEMENT IN ANY FORM IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE DECREASED AND EVENTUALLY EXTINGUISHED. Can you tell I want to rant here? I long for the day for churches to stop slapping vests on kids touting their "spiritual" achievements. Call it whatever acronym you want--all I see is "look at me and what I have achieved." I long for the day when people are no longer perceived worthy based on their paper and professional/ initial pedigree, but on the content of their character. I long for the day for integrity to be valued and lived. I long for the day when people just come to visit and sit on the back porch because they want to and are not obligated. I long for the day when hard work and r...