What Homeschooling "Looks" Like at the Cox House
Our school year officially started July 28th. We have been up to lots of good things already. I thought I would quickly share a glimpse of our day yesterday. I have been trying to find activities that John and Jackson can both participate in. We started with our continued study of the book of James in the Bible. Today's lesson was on wisdom and how to gain it. It was neat listening to the boys identify times in their past they lacked wisdom! Next, we practiced reading a few poems for our upcoming poetry challenge on Friday. This was really more for Jackson's benefit. He is already having anxiety about it! I have been shocked he is having this adjustment. He is fine once he gets there (I hope this continues), but the anticipation just gets him! Next, I read the book, More Spaghetti I Say. We then had our own spaghetti challenges. With cooked noodles, we put them in a bowl and added paint. Then, they arranged the noodles however they wanted on the plate (just randomly, not cr...