Homeschool Review (Year 3)...
August 6, 2015 First Day (4th grade and K) August 1, 2013 First Day (2nd grade and 3 yr. old) I can't believe it has been 3 years! John Gannon worked on 4th grade objectives (that we jointly created) at home this year while Jackson went to public school (kindergarten). Jackson had a great experience at school but will be homeschooling in first grade. He has been wanting to homeschool since about October but I told him he had to finish the school year. As a matter of fact, the days we have been home in the summer he has insisted he needed to do some school... He has no idea what "summer break" is! Anyway, I am slowly introducing him to the type of work he will be doing. So far, he is loving it and takes the ideas and creates new ways of doing the same thing! I hope he keeps all this motivation :) As for John this year, he accomplished more than I ever thought. Here is a quick review: Reading The beauty of getting to read wherever you want! O...