
Showing posts from January, 2016

Career Quest #3 (Nettleton, MS)

This month, we visited some businesses in Nettleton. Our first stop, Bancorp South. We learned about the importance of saving for large purchases and some important things to be aware of if you plan on seeking a loan. The kids were mesmerized with the vault door! I liked that my mom, Jan Martin, was our tour guide! I was not expecting the excitement when they gathered around the board table. They immediately called the meeting to order. They got to try out the money counter. Our last stop at the bank was the ATM machine. John and Aidan had an opportunity to try it out. John was too slow the first time and then entered he wanted $0.00. Obviously, he will need a little more practice. Aidan didn't have a problem! Our next business visit was Homestretch, a furniture factory. We learned about values and behaviors that they believe have made the business successful. Some included treating others the way you want to be treated, safety, and good attitude. They a...

Enjoy the Adventure Around You

One of the coolest things about having kids is they can turn almost anything into an adventure. They notice the things we adults seem to just pass over. They can immediately transform the most mundane of settings into a majestic world filled with all kinds of wonders. Being with them with no distractions and taking part in all the stories while taking the time to stop and investigate all of the fascinating things around is indeed a priceless gift. Last Sunday, we had that opportunity as we journeyed down our drive, down the dead end road, and into the fields...I hope you enjoy the picture documentary of our adventure! Live a Meaningful Life!