John Gannon & 4th Grade (Homeschool)

We finally got started with 4th grade around here on August 6t h. So far, so good! Here is the schedule we have been following: We will be attending Healthworks Health & PE classes 2x/month and will be doing a group Biology class on Fridays in September-ending with a frog dissection. Also, starting in September we will be partnering with 3-4 other families for math/writing classes. We are going to do some active math learning 2x/month with this small group for the year. We will continue to try to strengthen writing mechanics. MWF we are creating a writing journal so that he can track his progress over the year. He has the hard part down-the creativity and great story lines. The language mechanics, handwriting and spelling--well, it is tough for him. I read 2 books over the summer about dyslexia that helped me to understand more about the operation of his brain and thinking. I completely changed the methodology of the way we approach writing and he reall...