Summer Adventures 2015, Part 3

Let's see...where was I? We just changed locations from NC back to TN to the Ocoee. This time, we set up camp riverside. Here were our sleeping arrangements. Who needs a noise machine? We had all you could want--flowing creek, insects, trees rustling... June 19th This day turned out to be a day of "firsts." John Gannon had been begging to go down the Ocoee in the duck. We were hesitant, not really sure if he would be ready for such a task. Just as a point of reference, you must be 12 to raft with a commercial company. Two years prior when we all paddled the Hiwassee River he flipped in a rapid and panicked and that rapid wasn't a big deal. All the rapids on the Ocoee are big deals. We finally said we would give it a try. So, after a little gathering of things together they were off... They ran it perfectly until the last large rapid (Hell's Hole). They flipped the boat but within a few seconds, John popped up. Johnny got on top of the flipped...