
Showing posts from November, 2014

A Breath, A Vapor...Live A Meaningful Life

The past few weeks have been a reminder to me of the brevity of life. It truly is like a vapor--here and then gone...seconds, minutes, hours, days, years, decades. Every second that ticks by I choose. I choose how to spend my time. I choose which tasks to devote my attention to. I choose to let others know their meaning to me or I choose to keep it tucked away as a thought...hoping to share it with them "one day." I have seemed to store a lot of those "good intentions" lately.  I stayed with my daddy and Fran, my other mother, a few Tuesdays ago at the hospital while daddy had a small procedure done to insert an ICD. I cherished watching Fran lean over him and wipe the small shiver of slobber from the corner of his mouth as he snored...The eye contact and the gentle smile that slid across his face as his bride was by his side. It was snapshot of enduring love.  I was reminded of C.W. (Johnny's stepdad) asking the dr. questions he had scribbled on his...


Sorry if you were confused by the title, but you aren't going to be reading any drama. I mean it literally, I AM SICK OF STUFF.  If you have read some of the older posts you know that I am so attracted to minimalist living (living with minimal things in a small space). Over the years I have engaged in many small projects to slowly move in that direction, and let me just declare the truth=we are very far from that goal. You may wonder why I am a little passionate about it right now. I mean, I did use all caps in the title and in the paragraph above when referring to stuff.  Well, here is why. For the past year (or for the past 5 at least...) I have literally been bothered by the amount of stuff my children accumulate. In the matter of a year, hundreds of dollars worth of toys can be found scattered all over the place, in corners, in boxes, in closets, in my bedroom, in the living room, in the laundry area, in...most of them are left untouched. They remain until sometime aro...