A Disgusting Look (at myself)

It is with a lot of hesitation that I begin this post. I wonder if it will even make it out of the draft screen? I guess I fear being vulnerable or exposed. I am not really sure why. I want to say I always live a glass life--I am fine with anyone looking in; I share plenty of my mistakes and failures. However, somehow I have this ability when I write to make it appear I have it all together. I'll go ahead and let you know that I do not. As a matter of fact I sometimes wonder if I have even made any progress over the years? Will I continue to struggle with the same little pet issues or will I finally be able to reflect something differently? It all started yesterday, I was just pondering a random thought as my nerd self is prone to do. I never really came to a concluding thought so I guess I just left it running around in the neurons of the brain until this morning...This morning I was so stunned with something I had let creep back into my life on a large scale. ...