Conversations I Wish People Would Have Had With Me
Johnny and I often survey our lives--processing past choices, thinking about the future...wondering if we are doing this life thing at least decent (parenting, Christianity, honoring parents, work life). We all know there are plenty of "experts" out there that can help guide us along these journeys--but still--who is right? What is best? What is the wisest thing to do? During our conversations there have been some things that we wish we would have known earlier or had sought other opinions about... Here are some of those things for me... 1. Debt....I wish someone had ingrained in me that debt was a last option--you know--when someone was facing life/death or when there were absolutely no other alternatives! If we had handled our finances the first eight years the way we have the last eight years of our marriage....folks, you can rationalize your need for things that you borrow money to get (or put on the credit card) all day long. But the truth is this: debt is bondage--the...