
Showing posts from March, 2013

It Only Costs Time...

We decided we would try to have at least a small adventure with the remaining day....and weekend of our Spring Break! So we packed and went to Trace State Park for 2 nights of camping.  I thought I would share some of our adventures to encourage you to do small things with your children or other peoples' children that you love!  None of these things cost a thing... 1. Roll down a hill!  We had races! The only drawbacks for me--I was a little itchy afterwards! I remember rolling down this hill at one of our neighbors' houses when I was kid--it was loads of fun. When we drive by there now, the hill doesn't seem near as big as it does in my memory! 2. Play silly games!  John Gannon got several of his toys and they became secret army men--hiding out to attack--We decided we would make some silly pictures with them too! And don't worry--the kids come up with them--just play along. And if your kids have a hard time coming up with games--it's never too la...

The Girl with the Oily Hair

We had plans, then other plans...then this! Originally, our Spring Break plans involved leaving on Saturday with several other families from our church to take part in Eight Days of Hope--we were going to help rebuild houses in LaPlace, LA. Then, the virus hit our house...It started Tuesday with Jackson and then on Friday with John Gannon. We knew that he should recover in 48 hrs so we decided when he got better, we would just load up and head out--find some mountains, a river, maybe snow, get on a train, a know--have some adventure...but that all changed Monday! I went and had lunch with my aunt, Susan and when I came back home John Gannon had started vomiting again and was very lethargic...we went to the dr...and now--here we sit--at the hospital--waiting for the dr to let us know if we are staying another night! Whew...plans. Do you ever wonder when things like this happen why they do? I am not talking about the poor pitiful me why? I mean--the reason--like are we bei...

Planning, planning...planning

Over the past month as word has spread about the new upcoming year of adventure--homeschool, lots of people have asked what we are going to do, what we are going to use, and where I have found out about stuff...Here are some of the things that are in the works.. 1. A basic understanding of creating---I'll be honest, one of my fears about JG going to kindergarten was that he was going to be made to color in the lines or always color the sun yellow, grass green, etc. I mean think about it--most people color the bark of trees brown--actually look at some trees outside--with the exception of cedar--most aren't brown! When I think of art, I think of expression, letting things be the way we want or imagine. Not a sheet with predefined instructions in which everyone completes. It is so sad, by the time kids are in upper elementary you can provide materials and say "create" and you know what comes next, "What do you want me to create?" They look at you clueless an...

Wanna Pay Off Debt? Just How Serious Are You?

 I thought I would share some of the things that we started when we really made the commiment to get out of debt.  But before I get started about the past, let me tell that starting to make radical changes in your life often do not stop once you reach your goal.  For us, we still practice many of the things you will read below.  And for those we may now be a little lax on, I can guarantee you after a few months without my income we may have to revisit some.  And, we are always finding new ways to save... Johnny is currently growing a beard.  He always shaves it when it gets to the stage it is in. He describes it as needles poking out at you--screaming for attention.  His theory is that if it keeps growing, it will just continue to poke out and never lay down like most beards.  I told him he should stick with it and try this time.  Well, as it has grown out, it has taken on a little character. For some reason, who knows why, his c...

Like my Bruda

Last night about 8:30 we asked John Gannon if he wanted to babysit Jackson upstairs while Johnny and I watched a movie. Now, for any of you that have two boys, you know what a risk we were taking. But...for a few minutes of silence on a Friday night--I figured we could clean up the mess and maybe no bones would be broken when the fights started happening. Boy, were we in for a surprise. That's right..a surprise. They managed to play together for an hour and 45 minutes with no fights, no whining, no mass destruction. When I went up to check on them they were sitting in a chair beside each other--both holding light sabers. Wow! Earlier, Jackson got John Gannon's glasses, put them on and said, "I want to be like my Bruda." It's moments like these that just fill my heart with such good things! Right now, as I type, they are arguing with each other...John Gannon finally gets so frustrated, he marches off and says, I quit. In Jackson's mind that just means th...