It Only Costs Time...
We decided we would try to have at least a small adventure with the remaining day....and weekend of our Spring Break! So we packed and went to Trace State Park for 2 nights of camping. I thought I would share some of our adventures to encourage you to do small things with your children or other peoples' children that you love! None of these things cost a thing... 1. Roll down a hill! We had races! The only drawbacks for me--I was a little itchy afterwards! I remember rolling down this hill at one of our neighbors' houses when I was kid--it was loads of fun. When we drive by there now, the hill doesn't seem near as big as it does in my memory! 2. Play silly games! John Gannon got several of his toys and they became secret army men--hiding out to attack--We decided we would make some silly pictures with them too! And don't worry--the kids come up with them--just play along. And if your kids have a hard time coming up with games--it's never too la...